Дэвид Альберт
Дэвид Альберт (David S. Albert) Лидер исследовательской программы командования и управления Command and Control Research Program, CCRP МО США. "Задача программы совершенствование понимания национальной безопасности в информационную эпоху".
25 лет занимает и занимал высокие посты в аналитических службах МО США (OASD (NII), ACTIS, Институт стратегических исследований, и проч. и проч.), а также имеет соотвествующую академическую карьеру в области компьютерных наук, исследования операций, занимает посты в системотехнических коммерческих фирмах.
Получил степень бакалавра в 1964 г. за работу в области статистики, докторскую степень в 1968 году за работу в области исследования операций. Профессор-исследователь в Джорж Масон Университете. Lnk
Конспективно и в схемах Дэвид Альберт изложил свои взгляды в недавней работе
Network enabled command and control short cource. (Краткий курс сетевых возможностей командования и управления (2009)). Состоящего из "модулей", представляющих собой рубрикаторы, тезисы тезисы и схемы - всего 254 стр.:
- Module 1. Traditional C2. Традиционное КиУ
- Module 2. Network-enabled capability. - Сетевые возможности КиУ
- Module 3. Complex endeavors. - Сложные системные действия.
- Module 4. NEC2 for complex Endeavors? - Сложные системные действия в сети.
- Module 5. Harmonizing C2 with focus and convergence. - Фокус и сосредоточение КиУ.
- Module 6. Review and way forward. - Обзор и перспективы.
- Module 7. Implication for intel. - Значение для разведки.
- Module 8. ELICIT and abELICIT examples. - Примеры системный концепций ELICIT.
- Module 1. Traditional C2.
- Module 2. Network-enabled capability.
- Module 3. Complex endeavors.
- Module 4. NEC2 for complex Endeavors?
- Module 5. Harmonizing C2 with focus and convergence.
- Module 6. Review and way forward.
- Module 7. Implication for intel.
- Module 8. ELICIT and abELICIT examples.
IC2J papersПравить
- Human nature and social networks. John H. Clippinger
- Agility, Focus, and Convergence: The Future of Command and Control. David S. Alberts
- Modelling Human Decision-Making in Simulation Models of Conflict. James Moffat
- Enterprise Command, Control, and Design: Bridging C2 Practice and CT Research. Mark E. Nissen
- Effects of Individual and Team Characteristics on the Performance of Small Networked Teams. Reiner K. Huber, Petra M. Eggenhofer, Jens Romer, Sebastian Schafer, Klaus Titze
- It’s an Endeavor, Not a Force. Richard E. Hayes
- Agile Networking in Command and Control. Peter Essens, Mink Spaans, Willem Treurniet
- Understanding the Functions of C2 Is the Key to Progress. Berndt Brehmer
- Automation Architecture for Single Operator, Multiple UAV Command and Control. M.L. Cummings,1 S. Bruni, S. Mercier, P.J. Mitchell
- Custom Work Aids for Distributed Command and Control Teams: A Key to Enabling Highly Effective Teams. Samuel R. Kuper, Beth L. Giurelli
- Adaptive Automation for Human-Robot Teaming in Future Command and Control Systems. Raja Parasuraman, Michael Barnes, Keryl Cosenzo
- Improving Planning and Replanning: Using a Formal Grammar to Automate Processing of Command and Control Information for Decision Support. Ulrich Schade, Michael R. Hieb
- Awareness in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations. Jill L. Drury, Stacey D. Scott
- Tightly Coupling Cognition: Understanding How Communication and Awareness Drive Coordination in Teams. Michael A. Rosen, Stephen M. Fiore, Eduardo Salas, Michael Letsky, Norman Warner
- A Minimum Spanning Tree Approach to Identifying Collective Behaviour and Inferring Intent for Combat Models. Aleem Hossain, Nick Walmsley, Paul Pearce
- Representing a Combat ID Analysis Tool within an Agent Based Constructive Simulation. David Dean, Alasdair Vincent, Beejal Mistry, Aleem Hossain, Mink Spaans, Peter Petiet
- A View of the Combat CAS: Unifying Net-Enabled Teams. Paul J. Hiniker
- A Multiagent System for Tactical Control of Automated Forces. Robert H. Kewley, Jr., Mark J. Embrechts
- The Impact of Heterogeneity on Operator Performance in Future Unmanned Vehicle Systems. Carl Nehme, Brian Mekdeci, Jacob W. Crandall, M. L. Cummings
- Modeling the Complexity of Combat in the Context of C2. K.B. Sprague, P. Dobias
- Implementation of a Formal Standard for Interoperability in M&S/Systems of Systems Integration with DEVS/SOA. Saurabh Mittal, Bernard P. Zeigler, Jose L. Risco-Martin
- Understanding Information Uncertainty within the Context of a Net-Centric Data Model: A Mine Warfare Example. Megan A. Cramer, Jeffrey E. Beach, Thomas A. Mazzuchi, Shahram Sarkani
- Using B PM to Support Systems Interoperability. Dennis Taylor, Hisham Assal
- Applying the Information Age Combat Model: Quantitative Analysis of Network Centric Operations. Sean Deller, Shannon R. Bowling, Ghaith A. Rabadi, Andreas Tolk, Michael I. Bell
- Measuring Dimensions of Command and Control. Using Social Network Analysis: Extending the NATO SAS-050 Model. Guy H. Walker, Neville A. Stanton, Kirsten Revell, Laura Rafferty, Paul Salmon, Dan Jenkins
- From Clansman to Bowman: HFI Principles for NEC System Design. Guy H. Walker, Neville A. Stanton, Dan Jenkins, Paul Salmon
- Exploring Alternative Edge versus Hierarchy C2 Organizations using the ELICIT Platform with Configurable Chat System. Peter Thunholm, Ng, Ee Chong, Mervyn Cheah, Tan, Kin Yong Ms. Nency Chua, Chua, Ching Lian
- An Extended Enterprise Architecture for a Network-Enabled, Effects-Based Approach for National Park Protection—Transitioning Military Paradigms. Tod M. Schuck
- Toward Harmonizing Command and Control with Organization and Management Theory. David S. Alberts, Mark E. Nissen
- Implications of Operationalizing a Comprehensive Approach: Defining. What Interagency Interoperability Really Means. Andrew P. Williams
- Semantic Service Discovery for Interoperability in Tactical Military Networks. Frank T. Johnsen, Marianne Rustad, Trude Hafsoe, Anders Eggen, Tommy Gagnes
- Formalization and Agility in Military Headquarters Planning. Alexander Kalloniatis, Iain Macleod
- A Behavioral Model of Team Sensemaking. Ellen Powers, Frank Stech, Kevin Burns
- Knowledge Sharing as a Contingency in the Design of Counterterrorism Organizations. Mark E. Nissen, Tara A. Leweling
- NATO Code of Best Practice for C2 Assessment. Analyst’s Summary Guide.
- NATO code of best practice for command and control assessment.
- NATO Code of Best Practice for C2 Assessment. Decisionmaker’s Guide
- Campaigns of experimentation. Pathways to innovation and transformation. Code of best practice. David S. Alberts, Richard E. Hayes
- Code of best practice experimentation. CCRP
- Lessons From Bosnia: The IFOR Experience. ed. Larry Wentz
- Lessons From Kosovo: The KFOR Experience. ed. Larry Wentz
- Somalia operations: lessons learned. Kenneth Allard
- Target Bosnia: Integrating Information Activities in Peace Operations. NATO-Led Operations In Bosnia-Herzegovina. Pascale Combelles Siegel
- Interagency and Political-Military Dimensions of Peace Operations: Haiti - A Case Study. eds. Margaret Daly Hayes, Radm Gary F. Weatley