Обсуждение модуля:Math/tonumber
This module convert strings to numbers.
]] local p = {}
-- Get first integer number from string. function p.integer( frame )
local s = frame.args[1]
s = string.gsub( s, '<[^<>]+>', ) -- strip HTML tags
s = string.gsub( s, '[^0-9]', ' ' ) s = mw.text.trim( s ) s = mw.text.split( s, ' ' )[1] return tonumber( s )
-- Get number from Wikidata quantity. function p.quantity( frame ) local s = frame.args[1]
s = string.gsub( s, ' ', ) s = string.gsub( s, '±.*$', )
return tonumber( s )
-- Get year value from string. function p.year( frame )
local n = nil local cat = frame.args['cat']
-- 'году' or 'года'
local yearForm = 'году' if frame.args['form'] and frame.args['form'] ~= then yearForm = frame.args['form']
local s = frame.args[1]
s = string.gsub( s, '<[^<>]+>', ) -- strip HTML tags
local isBce = string.match( s, 'до%sн\.%s?э' ) s = string.gsub( s, 'год%sдо%sн\.%s*э\.?', ) s = string.gsub( s, 'до%sн\.%s*э\.?', )
-- Get first 3- or 4-digit integer number from string.
local sParts = string.gsub( s, '[^0-9]', ' ' ) sParts = mw.text.trim( sParts ) sParts = mw.text.split( sParts, ' +' ) for k, v in pairs( sParts ) do if string.match( v, '^[12]?%d%d%d$' ) then n = tonumber( v ) break end end
-- The entire string is a number. if not n then s = string.gsub( s, '[%[%]]', ) s = mw.text.trim( s ) if string.match( s, '^%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) then n = tonumber( s ) end end
-- Generate category if n then if isBce then if cat then return 'К:' .. cat .. ' ' .. n .. ' ' .. yearForm .. ' до н. э.' end n = -n else if cat then return 'К:' .. cat .. ' ' .. n .. ' ' .. yearForm .. '' end end end
return n or frame.args['default']
return p